Having known about the architecture of the PIC16F84A, lets dive into learning how to actually program the controller. As you all know(If you have read the post about getting started with PIC16F84A) the port B pins RB6 and RB7 along with the MCLR pin will be used to program the  controller(To quote again, RB6 is pin 12, RB7 is pin 13 and MCLR is pin 4 of the microcontroller). So, whats the big deal about programming? It just this simple – these are the steps to program the controller:

  1. Connect the MCLR(4th pin) pin to 13 volts
  2. RB6(pin 12) is used for serial  programming clock
  3. RB7(pin 13) is used for serial programming data

As soon as you connect the MCLR pin to 13 volts, the controller “knows” that its going to receive serial programming clock via RB6 and serial programming data via RB7 . Now, here don’t worry about how to send the serial programming clock and data – there are a dozen available applications that can do this for you.

Building the Programmer:

The PIC16F84A is compatible with the serial port of our computer (You can find it in desktop computers or old laptops – a blue colored 9 pin connector). It is designed to take data from the serial port of the computer. So, if you are going to use the USB port, you need a serial to USB converter chip. Here, I will point out a good working circuit which works with the serial port. For those who don’t have serial port, you can buy a PICKIT2 programmer from Microchip. Belive me –  its worth investing in this programmer and you can program a wide range of PIC controllers with the programmer and it is USB compatible.

 Here is a very low cost serial port programmer by JDM for the PIC16F84A (I tested it and it works fine).

You can buy the Microchip PICKit2 programmer from the microchip webiste.

Okay, now having constructed/bought your programmer, lets start programming the PIC. Initially, I would like to progress in showing how to program this controller in assembly language. We all do know that C is indeed very easy to learn and needs very less codes to write the program. But the reason behind choosing assembly is that, while using assembly, you will understand the controller more and get better grip over the hardware of the controller (Roughly saying, programming in assembly is like driving your own car. Programming in C is like hiring a driver for driving it – hope you got the idea).

Writing and assembling the code:

Microchip MPLAB downloadable from microchip website is a good IDE(and freeware) which integrates a assembler. But, I would strongly recommend PIC simulator IDE from oshonsoft (Its not a freeware but you get a 30 time launchable trial – which is enough for getting started.)

After you open the PIC simulator IDE from oshonsoft, set the  microcontroller to PIC16F84A, and clock frequency to 10MHz. Now, from tools menu, open the assembler. Here is the code – you will learn it as you progress.

MOVLW B’00000000′
LOOP MOVLW B’10000000′

If you dont know what are TRISB, STATUS please read the post about Getting started with PIC16F84A.

Here goes the explanation:

What the above program does is that, it delivers a high output on RB7 and can be checked with a multimeter or by connecting a LED. To achieve the aforementioned result, these are the steps

  1. First, we have to set the port B pins as output and to achieve this, TRISB register must be used and to access TRISB, you have to navigate to bank1 and you know what must be done to navigate to bank1 – set the 5th bit of the STATUS register. For this, we use the instruction BSF – Bit Set F [BSF STATUS,05H]
  2. Now, we are in bank 1 here, say, you wanna set the portB pins as output. To achieve this, first move the value 00H or B’00000000′ (in binary format for easy understanding) to W register (Remember? W register is the only register to which we can directly write to/ read from). For this we use the instruction MOVLW – Move literal value to W[MOVLW B’00000000′]
  3. Then move the contents of W register to TRISB. For this we use the instruction MOVWF – move the contents of W register to F [MOVWF TRISB]
  4. Having finished the operation of setting the portB pins to output, we have to toggle to bank 0 to access port B and for this we need to clear the 5th bit of STATUS register. For this we use the instruction BCF – Bit Clear F [BCF STATUS,05H]
  5. Now, we are in bank 0 here, move the value 80H or B’10000000′ to W register [MOVLW B’10000000′]
  6. Then move the contents of W register to PORTB [MOVWF PORTB]
  7. Look, what the controller does is that it executes these instructions once and then keeps quiet. But thats very fast. Indeed you cannot see the high output on RB7. So, to see what we have done, we have to make the microcontroller keep RB7 high for longer time or indefinitely. So, we are putting it in a loop. You can pretty much understand the loop thing.

NOTE: Here, while typing the program in the simulator’s assembler, leave a blank space before each instruction except for loop label. Because, It considers all the words that appears without a space as labels.

After writing the program,  in the assembler window, goto tools and select assemble and load option. This option will assemble the program and load it into the simulator. Then select the microcontroller view from tools menu in the simulator main window. When you select simulation – start, you must see the result in the microcontroller view. This is the software verification part.

“Burning” the PIC:

Having built the programmer, now, load the controller into the programmer and then connect it to the serial port of your PC or to your USB port if it is a USB programmer. Download and install ICPROG or Pony prog software (which is a programming software for the PIC). Now, when you select the correct COM port, your software must be able to read the device (The PIC16F84A in your case).   Now, the file you need to write into the controller is the .hex file. You can find this file in the directory in which you saved the .asm file when assembling and loading the PIC simulator. Now, open and browse to the .hex file and then select the write option and when it displays “programming successful”, Voila! your PIC is programmed! (Programming the microcontroller is generally called as “burning” the program)

Checking the Program:

Below is a very simple setup in order to check your programming. Just pop out the PIC from the programmer and wire it in a solderless breadboard as show below.


If the LED glows, then Bingo! you’re done!

Drop in a comment for any queries.




  1. Hi Sir

    Regarding crystal. You add an external crystal to pic as shown on circuit. Will pic’s internal crystal/osc work or are these two different.

    Thank you

  2. ranie ymbong

    I’m trying to make at least one project for a pic micro-controller,I’ve started learning on how to program the pic and I find it very useful in my work at present. many thanks to your effort in publishing guides for microcontroller.

  3. Thanks for your reply,

    i am using AT89c2051 controller in keil-microvision freeware and i can make hex file but can’t program into Controller.
    Kindly, tell me simple programmer circuit for ATMEL controller with suitable free software.

  4. thanks for your effort,

    i can’t understand that how to convert .asm to .hex using mplab 8.46v.
    please explain clearly.

    • Anish

      Hi thiru,
      Here is the easier way to compile using MPLAB. If you have MPLAB installed, I hope you will have MPASM too. so, open MPASMWIN which is in same directory as MPLAB. There, under source file name, browse and select your .asm file and leave the default settings and then click assemble! (Note: For this thing to work, you have to include the header file of your controller in your program and also parameters such as the speed of operation etc)

      And another way to do in MPLAB is that after finishing the project, go to project ->build all
      I would advice you to try the oshon PIC simulator as it is newbie friendly 🙂

  5. @Kanniyappan: No! here I’ve explained a very basic programmer for only 18 pin PICs. To program PIC16F877, buy a pickit 2 programmer or build for yourself a pickit 2 clone

  6. Kanniyappan

    Sir, does this works fine for pic 16f877a micro controller programmer???

  7. As shown in image, the crystal is connected to pin 17 & 18 which is not correct. It should be at 15 & 16.

    • anish

      Hi vinay, thanks for pointing out. I’ve corrected it.

  8. Hi and thanks for part two of the PIC tutorial.

    I am having a problem when looking at the sample code and your detailed code explanation. I am refering to the register file map image for the PIC16F84 as was shown on part one of the tutorial and getting somewhat confused.

    First, we have to set the port B pins as output and to achieve this, TRISB register must be used and to access TRISB, you have to navigate to bank1 and you know what must be done to navigate to bank1 – set the 5th bit of the STATUS register. For this, we use the instruction BSF – Bit Set F [BSF STATUS,05H]

    Looking at the PIC16F84 register file map I see that o5h address refers to PORT A in bank 0 yet you are taliking about it being for TRISB in Bank 1… In my mind the address of TRISB is 86h when looking at the register file map for PIC16F84 and I just can not understand how address o5H sets TRISB when it is at a different address and in a different bank.

    Thanks in advance for your clarification.

    • anish

      You’ve had a perfect misunderstanding buddy. And you didn’t see anything wrong regarding the address of the registers. But, have you read the previous post on getting started with PIC16F84A? If not, then take a look at it. The 05H I mentioned in the instruction [BSF STATUS,05H) is not a address, rather it is the 5th bit of Status register. The instruction says as, “Set the 5th bit of status register.” No reference to address is made here.